The natural environment offers an abundance of agricultural, numeracy, literacy and science learning opportunities.
Your child WILL get dirty and muddy.
Depending on your child's attendance, we recommend keeping three sets of clothes or more solely for preschool days. This will enable your child to move freely and will prevent numerous amounts of clothes from being spoiled.  


TCP is a "Sun Smart" centre and our Sun Protection Policy requires that all children and educators wear clothing that is in accordance with Cancer Council sun safety guidelines.   
A TCP broad brimmed hat will be provided for each child on enrolment.  Educators and children are required to apply SPF50+ broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen 20 minutes before going outdoors.
Families are responsible for ensuring they apply sunscreen to their child's skin before arrival at preschool so children can arrive ready for outdoor play.  Educators assist children to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours during outdoor play. 
We welcome family involvement and encourage families to stay and play.
We understand how busy families can be so we work with you to be involved at a level that your family feels comfortable and suits your lifestyle.
Some ways you can be involved are helping with art and craft activities, working bees, fundraising, gardening or perhaps you have a special interest you would like to share with the children.