What the Educational team says about Clarissa
"Professional, friendly, approachable"
"Enthusiastic... builds genuine and respectful relationships with families"
"Provides a child focused learning environment"
"Vibrant, creative approachable, knowledgeable, holistic in approach".

Our Director

Clarissa Seeto-Regueira is the Director of The Children's Preschool.
Clarissa has 32 years experience working with children, and within a range of early years settings, including long day care, preschool, occasional care, mobile childcare and OOSH for both community and private sectors.
Clarissa is the Nominated Supervisor and Educational Leader for The Children's Preschool, in addition to being the active early childhood teacher within the school program and is included in the educator to child ratios. 
Clarissa has taught the Certificate III and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, for registered training organisations, including TAFE NSW. 

"Each day I am learning. The children teach me ways of seeing a new world of possibilities" - Clarissa

© Copyright The Children's Preschool Pty. Ltd.